Under the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act, it is against the law to discriminate on the basis of a person's lawful sexual preference.
Under the Commonwealth Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act and on the basis of the International Labor Organisation Convention No. 111, the Commission may inquire into discrimination by any person in employment or occupation on most of the grounds included in the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act and on some additional grounds, including sexual preference.
Under the Commonwealth Workplace Relations Act 1996 (s170CK) termination of employment on certain specified prohibited grounds including sexual preference may be unlawful.
This covers the sexual orientation of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and heterosexuals.
Discrimination on the basis of presumed sexual orientation or characteristics associated with a particular sexual orientation is also illegal under the Victorian Act.
Discrimination means treating a person less favorably than another person, in the same or similar circumstances. Discrimination maybe direct or indirect.
For example: Susan applied for a position as a receptionist with a large company. At the interview, Susan was asked about her outside interests. Susan listed a number of hobbies including her membership of a gay/lesbian choir. At this point the interviewer concluded the interview saying that he did not feel that Susan would fit into the workplace environment.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
What is Discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation?
Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Discrimination, Equal opportunity, Gay, Gay Lesbian and Bisexual, Lesbian, Sexual orientation
How to Be the Perfect Sex Partner – Great Tips About Your Sexual Appearance and Performance! By Carl H. Jones Filed under Uncategorized in 2010 | No C
Men for ages have been quite insecure regarding the size of their penis. From a very young age, even as young as thirteen, boys discuss and worry about the size and the length of their penises. Many boys and men often ask the question, “how to grow my penis naturally?” This question, should not be a source of worry at all for men as women are not as interested in size as men think they are. For them, what is important is how well you can use it to pleasure them. They seek attention and love and not the size.
If you keep obsessing about the size of your organ, you should know that extra long penis can actually harm a woman’s ovaries. This is why, many women are actually afraid of the over-sized ones. Besides, woman’s vagina is sensitive only till about 3 inches deep. So is you have ever wondered “how to grow my penis naturally,” you should know that your performance in bed is more important than the penile length.
However, there are things you can do to make your penis appear longer and more attractive. The thing is, if your belly is not in shape, it can make your penis appear shorter. A penis extends up to the pelvic bone. If your lower abdomen is not trim, your organ will appear shorter. This is why, you should shed some fat in that area and tone your belly as well as possible.
Some of the things you can do to trim the fat in your lower abdomen is to exercise or take up some sport. Sports like football and basketball help shed fat and make you leaner while also keeping you entertained. Playing sport not only helps in making your penis appear more attractive, but also aids in improving your overall looks. More importantly, it increases your stamina helping you last longer.
So, if you want to look leaner, more attractive and also make your penis appear longer, intense physical activity is the thing that will help you. You will be a better sport in the bed!
Now, I want you to focus here: This is the program I used to gain an AMAZING enlargement of my penis:
Click here to access!
You won’t believe what’s in your hands in one month with this 100% guaranteed and natural exercising method!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_H._Jones
Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health, Human penis size, Penis, Physical exercise, Sex industry, Vagina
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Are Gay Chat Rooms For You?
by Robin Forbes
Gay chat rooms -- Some guys love them, others loathe them. I'll admit that I haven't been active in the chat rooms for a few years. However, before I set about to writing this article I decided to cruise by a few chat rooms to see what the scoop is these days...Nothing much has really changed since my chat days; which could be a good thing or not.
Chat rooms can be a good way to meet new guys. Sometimes these virtual meetings and hookups can actually lead to meeting guys in the flesh. I've actually made it that far a couple of times. Where things go from there -- well, that's up to you and the guy you happen to meet with.
More often than not though, chat rooms tend to be a good place for a virtual quickie, or a good place to just socialize and chat with someone new about anything or nothing in particular. In my experience and observations, the emphasis tends to be on the virtual quickies and the hunt for virtual quickies.
Timing is everything -- I've been to chat rooms that are totally crowded and rocking. When I went back a day later -- the same room would be totally dead. It all depends on the time of day or night, just how active the chat room will be and where in the world the guys are chatting from.
By the way, most of the dating services that I recommend have chat rooms for their members. The chat rooms tend to be text based chat rooms were it's one big free for all, with the ability to create a little private room for one-on-one text chats. Some also offer one-on-one video chat services.
One of the things that I've noticed lately about the various portals that offer chat rooms is that in order to participate fully or to be able to use the full range of features that the site uses, prospective members are encouraged to upgrade their free chat accounts to a paid account.
In fact, at MSN chat, which has quite a number of gay chat rooms, it doesn't look like free members can do anything anymore other than lurk in the corner and watch people chat. You've got to upgrade to a premium chat account which happens to also give you a premium Hotmail account.
One of the reasons that the chat room providers are starting to charge money is to help cut down on the spammers who like to do fly by advertising in chat rooms. Chat rooms tend to be really expensive to run too as they use a lot of bandwidth and processes.
In any event, I've been out collecting links to gay chat rooms, which I'll list here. I'm working on a more comprehensive list or directory of places to chat and I'll post it to this website when it's completed.
(For those guys that don't know, Chat and Forums are two different things. Chat is real time, whilst forums are message boards where the conversation, topic or posts can last for quite some time.)
Short List of A Few Popular Gay Chat Sites & Chat Rooms:
All of these chat sites require registration -- some may cost extra for full benefits.
• Facebook -- Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them, and there's plenty of opportunity to meet other gay guys and chat with them....
• ICQ Chat -- ICQ isn't just an IM tool it also has chatrooms, including gay, lesbian and bi chats
• MySpace -- Yes, there's lots of gay chats and networking going on here.
• TalkCity -- Predominately straight chat portal with quite a few gay chat rooms and chat boards.
• Twitter -- Although Twitter isn't a traditional chatroom it can be used to chat with others that you meet on Twitter.
• Yahoo! Chat -- Predominately straight chat portal with quite a few gay chat rooms and chat boards. Look in the Adult and Romance areas for the gay chat rooms...
Also, check out my recommended dating sites for more chat rooms.
Now go and have yourself a bit of fun!
Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chat room, Facebook, ICQ, Internet forum, MySpace, Videoconferencing, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo
Get it On - Durex Condoms
Get it On - Durex Condoms
Remember Don't leave home without one.
Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: condom of choice durex, Get it on Durex add commercial
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Online Dating Profile Love For Adult Dating And Matching Personals
Online Dating Profile Love For Adult Dating And Matching Personals
By: Markus Skupeika
After sieving through hundreds and thousands of free adult personals and web dating sites there may be a science to meeting singles more practically. After browsing quite a few free adult dating sites, there could be a clear way to meet better singles online.
Having photos available when searching singles is very important. I was surprised to find, quite a few free dating sites and matching personals do not have photos of members when looking for for them, just their name and description. No photos when searching could be a big problem, one free adult dating site did seem to get it right when allowing their free members and paid members to search with photos attached. They have all member photos and even photos of local singles in your area that are connected to search enigine maps, such as google and yahoo maps that show you where the members are located. So be sure to try a dating service with photos visible when searching for singles.
When begining your journey into the exciting world of adult dating matching personals you need to make it a point to stand out. Place a great picture of your best attribute. is your body a pirce of art, then flaunt it,if you are a successful business man or woman show your office or limo ride. If you have a breathtaking smile be sure to have a glamour shot posted. during my online single searches i always found very different looking photos that made some adult singles stick out creating some interest and start interacting with them immediately. It is important to present your best attribute and allows other to see that first. create a role you will put yourself into and have fun being differ.
Next thing you will want to do is create a personal ad or phrase that stands out. If you are looking for a quickie and no-long term relationship, do not be shy and yell it out loud. If loyalty and serious commitment is what you are searching for in your quest for happiness, admit a story of what you have offered in a relationship and why commiting to you would be the best feeling in the world for someone. We do not recommend to tell people what you can offer, but what you have been so proud of offering already. Simply, this makes you alot more credible in another single persons eyes in the Adult Dating and Matching personals network. Display proof that you are what you proclaim and most times other searching singles will declare that attractive and create contact with you. Be aware no to totally tell your entire life story, most adult singles dating will find it very alarming and will freak about how much innuendo you give to someone they do not know. The best is to distribute a little and keep engagement going so you can organize a unique adventure when interacting with other adult singles dating online.
Go out there and meet someone new, holidays are always coming around and you may find your next true love sending you a gift because everyone wants to be around somebody during the holidays. enjoy yourself have fun and be unqiues, get started today and meet singles online.
About the Author
Markus Skupeika
Finding new Online Social Networks for Adults
(ArticlesBase SC #114911)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Online Dating Profile Love For Adult Dating And Matching Personals
Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Business, Dating, Interpersonal relationship, online dating service, personals, relationship, Single, Social network service
Monday, February 22, 2010
This blog was designed to assist adults in finding the perfect Mate. I hope you will find it helpful.I will continually update this Blog with as many articles as I can relating to adult friend finding.
Click Here to visit my other Bolg
Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 5:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: condom add commercial, Durex, fast adult friend finder, Get it on
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Adult Business Woes: The Problems of Setting up an Adult Content Site By Jessica Gables
As with any other business, the adult industry is not without its problems. Beginnings are always tough for any new endeavor. If you plan on starting your own adult site, you may want to consider the following problems that new adult merchants encounter.
1.The ever-tightening law belt against adult-related content - Law enforcement agencies have knuckled down on protecting younger Internet users from exposure to content deemed immoral. Some laws have also been laid down for what's good for consumption of the general public and what's not. For instance, the Child Online Protection Act of 1998 makes it illegal for adult site owners to post child pornography, at least in the United States. While the existing laws may not necessarily be able to cover your particular brand of adult content, it cannot be denied that it has had a certain ripple effect throughout the industry. One way to deal with this hindrance to success is simply to know what's legal and what's not. Do not risk limiting your goods and services to a genre that may be banned in countries that are major target markets.
2.Hosting limitations - Most web hosts have a contingency against adult-related sites, mostly because they don't want adult material on their servers. Two other things that go against adult website operators in this context is their demand for high bandwidth and disk space to cover the site's high traffic, high volume streaming and media-rich content. If you are looking for a host, make sure to get one that will be able to cover both requirements. While some mainstream hosts are willing to work with adult site owners, they may not understand the business as in depth as an industry-specific host could.
3.Difficulty in acquiring an adult merchant account - Perhaps the toughest problem to overcome, acquiring a merchant account can be a time-consuming and difficult process for the adult merchant. First among the things to contend with would be the killer rates. As adult businesses are considered high risk account, they are often subjected to sky-high fees. The best solution to this problem would be to find a payment processor catering specifically to the adult industry. One example would be Adult Merchant Pay. This particular online payment processor offers low-cost accounts with no upfront fees. An adult merchant account service provider would also understand the need of the adult merchant for optimum security and should be able to provide this with an advance technology payment gateway.
4.Lack of compelling content available- Webmasters of adult sites are always looking for something fresh and something new. While many sites offer good content, what you should be looking for in a supplier is: 1) variety; 2) original content; and 3) the legal stuff. As previously mentioned, not all content is deemed legal. So aside from looking for the good stuff, make sure you are dealing with the legal ones as well.
5.Market satiated with free products and services - To say that the competition in the adult world is tight is an understatement. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of adult content websites out there. Why should the average consumer pay for your services and goods when a glut of free online adult entertainment content can easily be accessed online? The answer to this problem may be less complex than you think. Offer a service that is different from what everyone else out there has. Focusing on your own niche is the best way to get your audience to be loyal subscribers.
One thing to remember when starting an adult site: With the right mix of marketing savvy, great content and old-fashioned hard work, your adult website can, and most likely will, succeed. While other entertainment businesses may suffer from an economic roller coaster, the adult industry will feel nary a sting from the ups and downs of a country's financial state. The reason is obvious, access to online adult content is easier to acquire than any other entertainment venue (say movies, plays or fine dining). Adult sites are only a click away and subscriptions to a site will last longer than what a consumer gets when paying for dinner and a movie.
Aside from having accessibility on its side, the probability of its success is also driven by the consistently high demand for adult-related material. Thousands of subscribers keep the industry afloat by continuing to pay big bucks on a recurring basis. So make sure you have original, eye-popping content that is within the legal boundaries of your target market. Get a host that can cater to your specific needs and an adult merchant account provider that will ensure you get paid for all your troubles.
Jessica Gables is a traveling journalist and author of numerous articles published in travel and hotel service sites, television programs and print materials. She is also a large contributor of articles to various online resource sites such as http://www.adultmerchantpay.com garnering the reputation of being a trusted author on various topics. She has a background in photography, videography, pre- and post-production and online affiliate marketing.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Gables
Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adult, Fast friend finder, Get it on, Sex industry
Adult Material
The Bloggers' FAQ on Adult Material addresses the legal issues arising from publishing risque adult-oriented content, including obscenity law, community standards on the Internet, and the new 2257 regulations.
Can I put adult content on my blog?
Yes. The First Amendment protects your right to communicate legal adult content to the public. However, the law prohibits distribution of obscene material and child pornography. In addition, a federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 2257, currently being challenged in court, imposes record-keeping requirements on a broadly defined category of producers of sexually explicit material.
What is obscene material?
United States courts use the Miller test for determining whether speech or expression is "obscene," and therefore not protected by the First Amendment. That means it can legally be banned.
The Miller test stems from Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), in which the US Supreme Court held that material is obscene if each of the following factors is satisfied:
* Whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
* Whether the work depicts/describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law;
* Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
Most pornography depicting sexual acts or genitalia would not be considered obscene but community standards can vary widely (compare Peoria with Manhattan), and a blog can be seen in any jurisdiction.
How do you determine "community standards" on the Internet?
Under current law, the legal question of whether speech is obscene is determined partly by reference to local community standards. Federal venue rules permit an obscenity prosecution to be brought where the speech originated or where it was received. Internet speech, however, is received in every community of our nation. As a result, "the 'community standards' criterion as applied to a nationwide audience will be judged by the standards of the community most likely to be offended by the message." Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844 (1997).
EFF is concerned that present law permits censorship of speech on the Internet under the standards of the least tolerant community, negating the values that the community standards doctrine was intended to protect -- diversity and localism in the marketplace of ideas.
In Nitke v. Ashcroft, EFF is helping challenge the "least tolerant" standard. Barbara Nitke, a New York photographer who works with erotic subject matter, has joined with the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom to challenge the constitutionality of provisions in the Communications Decency Act that create criminal penalties for making "obscene" materials available online. In July 2005, the district court ruled that the plaintiffs had not provided sufficient evidence of harm to maintain a facial challenge to the criminal provisions, but left open the possibility of a case-by-case analysis. EFF opposes this decision because the possibility of being hauled into court in the least tolerant jurisdiction could chill protected speech throughout the Internet. There will be an appeal.

Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Communications Decency Act, Freedom of speech, Get it on, Law, Obscenity, Pornography
Adult Friend Finder: Is It Really Involved In A Scam?
Adult Friend Finder: Is It Really Involved In A Scam?
By: Leon Ralston
Adult Friend Finder is one of the most visited commercial websites on the internet, an online sex and swinger personals community now accommodating more than 20 million members worldwide. Basic membership and registration on Adult Friend Finder is free but you need to upgrade your membership in order to contact other members via anonymous email, instant messaging, webcam etc, and enjoy the other features. For example, with Gold Membership ($12 per month), you can view other profiles, video introductions, live video streams, contribute to an online magazine, and more. With basic membership, you can only post a profile.
Like many online dating and personals websites, Adult Friend Finder has also been accused of scams and online phishing (a criminal activity that uses social engineering techniques). Many has reported that owners of this popular online community have been deceiving the public by creating and posting fake profiles with photographs of beautiful and attractive women, in order to draw visitors. These innocent visitors are then directed to porn sites, or an Adult Friend Finder scam known as Advance fee fraud, an online confidence scam in which the target is convinced to advance moderately small sums of money in the hope of securing a much larger gain.
Adult Friend Finder scam is also based on charges regarding the use of contentious advertising techniques such as spam and spyware, designed to collect many different types of information about the user, and interrupt the normal operation of the visitor's computer in order to promote a third party. For example, using this malicious software, the Adult Friend Finder scam can track what types of websites a user visits and send this information to an advertisement agency.
Supporters of Adult Friend Finder claim that approximately 4-5% of the population in most U.S. states has a profile on Adult Friend Finder, and half of these profiles are for Men seeking Women. These profiles are not duplicate, fraudulent, or inactive, and the Adult Friend Finder scam has been fabricated by competing websites to defame and discredit the very successful online adult community website. However, there are other views that maintain that the Adult Friend Finder scam is a reality that cannot be ignored.
The most recent criticism comes from people who claim to have been fooled into purchasing full membership by the Adult Friend Finder scam, which uses "decoys" in the chat rooms. According to witnesses, these chat room decoys operate by posing as real people to initiate a continuous conversation with their mark. Once a potential victim has been identified, he/she would then be coaxed into purchasing or upgrading into full membership to access all of the sites features.
In addition to the above criticism, even members who have purchased full membership (such as Gold Members) have been complaining about Adult Friend Finder scams such as fake communications, requesting e-mail and asking to pay for an account on another website.
About the Author
Meet Singles for dating and relationship. Articles and reviews on how online dating should be. Find out more about the top 3 adult dating sites.
(ArticlesBase SC #60326)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Adult Friend Finder: Is It Really Involved In A Scam?

Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adult friend finder, Get it on, online dating service, personals
Millionaire Mate
Posted by Get It On Fast Friend Finder at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dating, Mate, Millionaire